This linked article asks the question “Is tribalism undermining objectivity about low-carb, high-fat diets?” By Nicola Guess and Ethan Weiss, May 9, 2019 and I couldn’t agree more. Nuance goes out the window with cheerleading and preaching to the choir--A video of Zoe Harcombe at PHC-UK is an example of an audience cheering on carnivore diets and rubbishing fiber? Is PHC-UK really advocating all meat, fat bombs and low fiber diets? This will devastate the microbiome and if this becomes widely adopted, they will be responsible for a lot more colorectal cancers in younger people as there is good evidence that many of these cancers could be prevented with a high fiber diet.
My research leads me to one very clear observation: high glycemic carbs are bad and fibers (zero glycemic carbs) are good. People need to reverse the fiber to carb ratio in their daily foods for all sorts of separate but complementary biological mechanisms that reduce the risk of virtually all non-communicable diseases.

Conflict of Interest
Personal survival dictates that one must earn a living. I creat low carb, high fiber functional foods that reverse the carb/fiber ratio of commonly consumed things like breads, pizza, pasta, etc. Prevention, however, depends on convincing people of the need to change behavior and the availability of equally acceptable alternative foods - that’s where “functional foods” could make behavior change easy, in fact redundant as we provide the ingredients to turn junk food into medicine by addressing the root cause of many NCDs, eliminating glucose and insulin rise after meals while providing 7 sources of prebiotics to optimize microbial diversity and provide fermentation substrate for butyrate, organic acids, and all sorts of other vitamins and nutrients.
Hopefully, within a few years food will be judged on its “functional” merits as well as its enjoyment. It is true we need to “Eat Real Food” however ambiguous and subjective that may be; but this doesn’t stand a chance against vested interests and advertising power of the food industry. Anyway, convenience, established food cultures, temptation and the tempo of modern life make JERF impractical for those who need to change the most. Human ingenuity is better than that and by providing therapeutic functional food; supermarkets, bakeries, restaurants and food manufacturers can become the solution rather than the obstacle to change they are today.
Dr. Gerald Davies,