Bread rolls that look like wholemeal. The yeasty bread flavour is divine. These really are the closest thing to bread and the smell is just yum. Only had ultra-fine fibre flour so I added a small amount of linseed meal, wheat gluten and oat bran to 150gm of ultra fine FF. They were denser than normal rolls but wonderful and oh so moreish. Didn't take too long to make as only had to proof once. They didn't rise very much, during proofing, but that may have been due to the yeast being teeny bit old. Once in the oven they rose a little which was enough to make them look incredibly appetizing. As it was a first try I didn't add anything such as nuts or seeds but next time! Also made a broccoli & quorn cream pie a couple of days ago but sadly, or not so sadly, it was so good we ate it all before camera got anywhere near it :(

150g Ultra Fine FibreFlour
8 gm yeast (I used Allison's fast acting yeast)
1 tsp raw honey (can use any honey, yeast will eat it up)
1/2 cup tepid water
1/2 tsp Himalayan salt
1 Tbsp ground linseed (grind mine at home)
1 Tbsp oat bran
1 Tbsp wheat gluten
1) Add yeast and honey to tepid water and put to one side in a warm place for about 10 mins till it forms bubbles
2) Add all dry ingredients into a bowl and mix thoroughly
3) Add yeast mixture to bowl with dry ingredients
Add small quantities of additional water, a little at a time until it forms a soft dough. Knead for a few minutes until
all flour from sides of bowl are incorporated into dough ball and bowl is clean. Split into 4 equal pieces and roll into balls. Then leave in a warm place to proof for between 45 mins - 1 hour. Cook, on non stick tray for approx. 20 mins - initially on low setting 100c for about 10 then increase to 130c for a further 10 mins. I have a fan assisted electric oven. Hope below makes sense! If not try this: Set to, as if clock dial: quarter past the hour and then half past...lol
Celsius (fan-forced oven) Celsius (conventional oven) Fahrenheit
100 120 250
130 150 300
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